The reason I want to read from a rss text file is because I want to show my current/last played song from winamp in my conversation.
Not realy in my nick, but on command like /np in my conversation.
Now I hear you say "There are special plugins for winamp nowplaying". I know that, but these ones are usefull when winamp is running on the same system as the messenger client. And that's not i my case. Besides my website reads de nowplaying rss file, my IRCclient does, so why not my messenger client too
The contents of the rss file:
<rss version="0.91">
<title> Weblog</title>
<description>Winamp NowPlaying</description>
<copyright>Copyright 2004</copyright>
<title>Last played
<description>Anouk - My Life</description>
As you can see the title tags display Last Played when winamp isn't running anymore. If winamp does run it displays Now Playing.
Then there's the description tag where artist and songtitle are displayed.
These things are always on the same linenumbers so if it is nessecary to use static linenumbers to read the lines that's no problem.
So the thing I realy would like to get realised is:
when I use the commando /np in a conversation it would echo (in this example):
Last Played: Anouk - My Life
It gets Last Played from the title tags and the rest from the description tags on the next line.
Hope this explanation is a bit better