First, make sure you have
StuffPlug-NG installed, then read on...
This is one of the most simple things to do with a talker. Make a new, empty text file in the "Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG"-folder, and rename it to talker.
vbs (you can change the red part to whatever you want it to be called), then, copy/paste the following in it with notepad:
Function talker(input)
talker = "J" + input
End Function
You can change the "/sevil " part to match any command you like, but make sure to keep the space!
Then, in a conversation, type the following:
Finally, the simple reason that I didn't post it as an attachment is that I don't want everyone to just use that thing to annoy their contacts, this way you'll have to do some trouble for it, so it's a bit less attractive
. Besides, you'll learn a little bit about how VBScript works
Oh, and by the way, I'm not responsible for all the contacts that are going to block you for this
EDIT: Just tested it for myself, StuffPlug-NG seems to change the text
after plus scans for commands, so I changed the above code to a version that contains the special character used to send the sound...