I have the Italian 7.0.0425 Beta Version of MSN and the only thing it changed with Plus installation was a "Plus!" menu, with a "Informazioni di compatibilità" (Translation: "Compatibility Information") submenu item, which shows up this msgbox:
Messenger Plus! Compatibilità
"C'è stato un errore. Messenger Plus! non può attivare le sue funzionalità con la versione di Messenger in uso. Il problema di solito si risolve installando una versione aggiornata di Messenger Plus!.
|Controlla aggiornamenti| |Chiudi|"
Messenger Plus! Compatibility
"An error occoured. Messenger Plus! can't enable its functionalities with the current Messenger version. This is usually solved by updating Messenger Plus!.
|Check for updates| |Close|"
But Wabz said:
Originally posted by Wabz
Certain features are not active in that version of Messenger Plus due to incompatibility with Messenger 7.0
Why then are ALL the features disabled on my copy of MSN? Is that because it is the Italian version?