Originally posted by CookieRevised
If she is unable to click those flashing bars, she is, quite frankly, unable to use a computer and I wonder how she even started up the PC and do other stuff on it or even reply to a normal conversation in MSN Messenger (no offense)...
Sounds like you haven't heard of living room PCs...
This PC is a videoconference box plugged into a TV set.
User starts up the PC by pushing the ON/OFF button on the front,
which is a familiar move common to any electric appliance.
MSN Messenger starts automatically with Windows; it's
never used for text-based communication.
Until I discovered Msgplus and its auto-accept feature,
we somehow managed to accept our own video requests
by... logging on her PC through VNC (!). Now the only
remaining problem is that taskbar issue,
so unfortunately we still have to use VNC
just to go and click on that taskbar tab to show.
Admittingly this example is a special case. Well,
consider this: auto-accept already allows to be watched...
Reciprocity could be useful at least for, say, bigbrother
syndrom prevention.
If you happened to play with Cu-SeeMe you may
remember it had an 100% auto-accept that brought
video windows to front -- nothing revolutionary here.
Originally posted by raceprouk
On Friday I'll be releasing a plugin that, among numerous things, allows you to have conversation windows restored automatically. I expect most people to have this feature turned off, but it may be useful for what you want.
Indeed, your phoenix does it very well.
Thank you !