Thanks for your response.
Well I have tried applying sounds through Plus! instead of using the MSN Messenger sounds but the sounds still happen when somebody signs in on my contact list when another user is signed on to their area on this computer.
If you are unsure what I mean I will explain.
- This is a home computer that is shared by six users (siblings, parents, me.)
- When I sign into my user area I sign into MSN.
- If nobody interesting is online I appear offline.
- If I then get bored I will signb out of my user area and go and do something else.
- However, I do not 'Log Off' of my area, I just 'Switch User' so that I don't have to sing out of MSN or terminate my internet connection.
- When somebody else signs in to their user area (i.e. sister), a notification sound is still made when someone signs in on my contact list as I am still signed in. Sister gets annoyed!