Originally posted by aC23
Thanks, but there's a problem
Whenever you hide the contacts, all the icons disappear (perfect!) but whenever you put them back, ALL contacts which you specified in Plus! appear on your desktop, Offline or not.
the code presented (and thus used in those exe's) is just very basic and proof-of-concept.
It doesn't include any reference to MSN Messenger or Messenger Plus! at all, hence it can't detect that. Note that also whenever Plus! changes the window (because the contact changed his status), it is shown again according to your Plus! preferences for displaying desktop contact.
If you want something more advanced, you need to make an integrated plugin or addon which constantly monitors changes in contact statusses and intercepts them, read out the preferences (read out the registry), etc...
As with all things, it is never as easy as it first seems.
Another, rather dodgy, approach could be to unset the always-on-top status of all the windows, but first safe it to an array so you can restore it later
(note: and this isn't so easy as it sounds either, as the email addresses of the contacts which are floating are also encrypted in the registry). But as with all things this also has some drawbacks and will result in errors as one could change those states in Plus! while the application is running. Thus again it will result in wrong windows showing when you "reset" it back.
Hence, the reason why I suggested to use the already build-in function of Messenger Plus!:
Boss Protection; you can't beat that when it comes to hiding the (topmost) windows when you run a full screen app. It does exactly what you want.
You don't have to invent the wheel twice... Simply use what is already there for you to be used...