Can some1 check this thing for sure?
I tried to login with polygamy and get the open window msg, nothing
Tried to open the contact card, open the im window, send a voice request, nothing came up with window opened msg.
And of course the offline user couldn't send anything...
But I DID talked with some1 who was offline a month ago.
He was offline when I talked to him, he said he is just "appear offlne", later he changed back to online and then a bored user added us to a multi-convo, he didn't understand how every1 see him (forgot to change back to appear offline).
So he was appear offline for sure.
(Now checked with the event log, he signed out 16 minutes b4 the convo, reconected 28 seconds after I sent him the msg, and he answered b4 reconnecting)
Guess as there were few new versions since then that it was fixed.