Hi All,
Wow, this is a fast-action forum! Thanks for all your quick responses. While Pat Chou might have been invited to Redmond, I don't think I will be so lucky, so I'd like investigate the legal side a little bit.
The current TOS reads that the user is prohibited from
"Using access to the Service to obtain any data to design, develop or update unauthorized software that you use or provide to otehrs to access or use the service"
Pretty generic, yet nonetheless powerful stuff.
That's right. Messenger Plus! simply hooks MSN Messenger, it doesn't edit any of the API, it's a standalone program.
MSN 7.5 has an API? If that's the case, then I'm really in the dark. Where's the API?
My opinion is that Plus does modify the behavior of Messenger regardless of whether it is using a simple hook or any other means. Plus subverts Messenger in some cases to do what it wants. However, Plus is well-received by MS =)
Back to some more browsing. I will probably go ahead and create my plug-in and join the many other software writers who are in this gray legal area.