[NOTE: This post is regarding a
relatively technical issue...]
Ok, so there I was looking at the different xml chat logs from my various machines all for and wishing there was something that could put them together while maintaining dates and resorting the merged conversations by date into a new xml file. So google was no help and then I figured "Hey, I can program stuff, why don't I do that..." and so I went about looking at the source of the xml log files heres an example (humaninsed from the raw xml animal it once was):
<Log FirstSessionID="1" LastSessionID="2">
<Message Date="2005.08.08" Time="9.08.55 pm" DateTime="2005-08-09T01:08:55.015Z" SessionID="1">
<User FriendlyName="GOB"/>
<User FriendlyName="Chareth Cutestory"/>
<Text Style="font-family:Georgia; color:#800080; ">I've made a huge mistake...</Text>
<Message Date="2005.08.08" Time="9.09.04 pm" DateTime="2005-08-09T01:09:04.312Z" SessionID="1">
<User FriendlyName="Chareth Cutestory"/>
<User FriendlyName="GOB"/>
<Text Style="font-family:MS Shell Dlg; color:#000000; ">Well that's bound to happen...</Text>
Now ignoring that fact that that was a shameless plug of arrested development, it also reveals a very important fact about Microsoft's chat log: they don't save the passport id (ie Chareth@hotmail.com) anywhere in the file. In fact, they pretty much store just enough to display it via xsl without worrying about useful metadata they could have stored for future use. Not to mention the fact that they're storing the alternate colours inside the document itself...
So it's really hard to join together these logs if there's no common identifier to connect the different friendly names (and my firendly name changes more often than... something that changes a lot), so what I'm here to ask is: is there any word on the internal format of the new spiffy xhtml logs in MsgPlus! 4? they looked very cool and I was wondering if that sort of data was going to be in the source of the file. Also if it's not finalised and passport id is not in there could it be?
PS I know that I
can do what I want with the current system, but I don't want to support a poorly designed microformat (even privately in a never to be released cruddy commandline program) if there's a better designed alternative in the wings...