Originally posted by YourNeibour
But if I am going to test the MOBO and just the MOBO I don't really need to install the HD or Videocard just plug the MOBO into the powersupply and let it rip if it works the Fan should spin right?
yes and no.... the fan will spin (if connected right of course) but that doesn't nessecairly main the mobo works perfect as the fan might simply gets its power indirectly (thru the mobo) from the psu; Though the mobo might control the speed of the fan, the direct power of the fan isn't controlled by the mobo. (Even on a mobo with some broken chips the fan might be spinning as it draws power from the psu thru the mobo).
But you indeed will know if there is power going thru the mobo or not (to the fan; as that on its turn doesn't mean everything which needs some power gets some power).
To know for sure that the mobo works (in general) hook up a monitor to the mobo and watch the post-messages.