This is a tribute to my very first VB 6.0 program that did the same thing
This is a simple script to allow script developers to easily create MsgBox/Alerts in their scripts and provides a method for dealing with the returned value.
I *think* I've managed to include all combinations of Icon and Buttons as well as an optional "Help" button. I'm going to do some work trying to get the different Modal settings to work (not sure if they work with scripts though
There are numerous constants included in the script that are related to features I want to add (such as RightToLeft text and so on).
I've *after pulling my hair out* managed to get \n to act normally (it was just printing into the msgbox as "\n" instead of a new line).
I want to do some work on the interface, but if it's just for developers, it may not really need it.
Any suggestions or improvements would be appreciated and if anybody finds a bug, you know what to do
EDIT: No bugs found so far so I'm releasing it