O.P. Block & Delete Question
Hi Guys
I wonder if anyone could answer this question for me:
If i block and delete someone from my msn and completly remove them from my contacts list, then go into tools, options then privacy tab then go to the block list and right click on their name and delete them completly from msn (so basically eradicatting them completly from msn), and they do exactly the same for me, ie block, delete and remove me from their contacts list completly aswell as deleting me from their block list found in the privacy tab by right clicking on me and then deleting. If i choose to readd them to my msn, and go to contacts, add a new contact and type their email address in, will they get an email or any kind of notificiation saying that ive added them again to msn?!
I've had an argument with a friend and i want to readd them to my msn, but i just wondered if they got another pop up box again, like the initial pop up box you get that says "blah blah has added you to their msn do contacts list do you agree yes no"
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
T x