I was messing around with my script interfaces when I found something strange. When I moved my window off the left edge of my screen so that my MenuButtonControl isn't fully displayed anymore, the menu opens much further to the right. I tried the same with Plus!' preferences window (because I don't want to leak my secret new interfaces
), and yes, same result:
To reproduce this, simply open up your Plus! Live preferences, move it to the left side of your screen so that the Backup button is a bit off the screen and then try to click it.
It seems like when the point where the menu should be opened is off the screen, a miscalculation is made for a new position... Or am I wrong?
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 (6.0.6000)
Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1018
Messenger Plus! Live
UPDATE: It seems like a normal Windows menu also behaves like this, and thus this isn't caused by Plus! Live.