Originally posted by vanillaicecream
So there is NOWAY of telling that someone just signed in apearing offline on msn messenger???? not on msn discovery not on buddy spy and not on any other program????
unless this person click on you and says hi or just opens a conversation window....other wise they are not going to get an alert or a little window saying that I signed into msn with an appear offline status??????
no add one or whatever??? because i heard that if u sign in (with an offline status) they get a warning sound to a viagra specific contact, you get a warning when your contacts sign in as appear offline, but you still see them offline though. is this true????
a little paranoid here because i really want my privacy and sometimes like to sign in as appear offline....
If you sign in on appear offline then nobody will be able to see that you are online, and people will only know you are online if you start a conversation with them. It will still tell them that you are offline though.