I'm sooooooo sorry about all my website threads

But i've had such a great response

Yesterday thanks to
shrbr i got some new logo's and some new look to my design
I do need some more artwork, could someone make me a small logo (not a banner) something like mess.be has:
I would like something like this as well
I like the round white edges but in the middle a symbol/ logo relating to messenger stuff
If anyone else would like to make small little logo's for my scripts i would also be happy, but that is not important right now.
Anyone good at skining myBB will ne loved by me as i am so crap, here is a hug
If you have any ad's e.g google ones i'll add them to my site if you help so you can get something out of this as well
Well thanks to everyone
http://www.msgstuff.com/test.html to give you an idea