Before I any of you read this I just want to say sorry about the way I type I have never been good at the hole punctuation much less spelling thing.
I installed Messenger Plus not to log ago because I really enjoy the extra control and features it gives me but after a week or so my Messenger Plus has seem to have gone evil on me.
It will still start up with msn most of the time and then other times it won’t start up at all. I go and install stuffplugin and next thing I know Messenger Plus delete's it. So I run to the Messenger Plus folder and the stuff plug in is still there so then I sit there remove all msn, Messenger Plus, and stuffplugin reg keys totally remove msn, Messenger Plus and all my plug in's. (One plug in
) Anyway I then go and download a new copy of msn, Messenger Plus, and stuffplugin.
I then reinstall it all and it works so i am happy but then I reboot once and now plus is being its happy self again killing stuffplugin and not working right. I can still access options for plus but the little plus icon on the buddy list isn’t there I have ads and none of my plug in’s work.
Anyone have an idea on how to fix this.
I don’t want to format AGAIN… O.^ Thanks for reading my sad sloppy typing.