Attention: this thread is no longer updated.
For the latest Swedish translation, go to:
First of all, be so kind as to read this:
Attached you'll find my Swedish translation of Messenger Plus! Live. Any comments and/or corrections are welcome!
Edit: Updated 18/8 08:52
Edit: Updated 18/8 15:42 (Thanks, Mablung: )
Edit: Updated 18/8 21:28
Edit: Updated 19/8 16:55 (Thanks, Tillman)
Edit: Updated 20/8 06:00
Edit: Updated 20/8 22:04
Edit: Updated 23/8 22:04
Edit: Updated 23/8 23:01 (Thanks, Si3rra)
Edit: Updated 24/8 09:14 (If no comments, this is the final one!)
Edit: Final, final version: 26/8 20:01
Attached you will find the very, very final version of the Swedish translation. I've sent this file to Patchou as well, and it will be included in the next version! Thanks, everyone!