PluginReloader.dll - It does exactly what it says on the tin!
I wrote this plugin because i hated having to restart msn every time i rebuilt a plugin i was working on.
Patchou included this for new plugin installers, but not all installers impliment it (they just remind you to restart msn). Its even more annoying when developing plugins, because for every change no matter how trivial requires you to restart msn to test it out.
This plugin solves this problem by telling plus! to unload the plugin dlls. You will then have 5 seconds to add new plugins/update them/delete old plugins before plus reloads them. Unfortunately this time interval cannot be changed except by patchou, so you will have to work quickly, but it is possible to do any action as long as you are fast enough.
The syntax for this plugin:
Simple eh? And all you need to do to install it is extract the zipped dll to your plugins directory (no fancy installers this time
The only snag: You have to restart msn to make it work (oh the irony)
To get it: click