Version 2 of WMPlus. Nobody except me ever saw version 1, but it relied on an MS WMP plugin. This new version is an all-in-one package! Written in Delphi, with the actual plugin being only 22 kb!
What is it?
WMPlus is a plugin for Messenger Plus! 2 which adds the '/xmp' command. This command will display the current playing song in an instant message. You can optionally add parameters which will be added to the first line, after the song title, duration and status, for example:
/xmp <-- cool song!
Would display:
The Offspring - Gone Away [
playing] <-- cool song!

The rating is displayed using smilies which vary, depending on the rating. In the future further customization will be added which will enable you to configure the way the song is displayed, which emoticons are used, etc.
How does it work?
WMPlus2.dll contains both the Messenger Plus! plugin as well as a Windows Media Player plugin. This plugin has only been tested on WMP 9, and I can not guarantee compatibility with previous versions.
Installation is easy: the setup will take care of this. You should see an icon in WMP on the right bottom side indicating there are background plugins loaded. If not, go to the Plugins options and enable the 'Messenger Plus! WMP Plugin'.
For developers: this WMP plugin is compatible with the Blogging plugin as provided by Microsoft. It writes it's data to the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\CurrentMetadata.
I've got a feature request!
This is only the first beta version, but it works. At least for me it does. If you've got a feature you'd like to see, you can send me an email at wmplus at x2software dot net. Or you can just reply on this thread of course.
Update: information about the latest version plus download can now be found
on this page...
Hope you like this plugin! If not, an uninstall is provided, you can find it in the "Add / Remove Software" control panel
