Originally posted by Leif
Great! TIA!!
Two minor things:
1. Why en|de and en_de? A third method when Babylon will be included?? Please, if possible make all of them en-de (the | and the _ are more difficult on a Swedish keyboard 
2. print ---> show (as nothing is printed!)
R.E. 1.) The reason for en|de and en_de is because these are the language pairs in the format for that company, I will make them a set default when i release it fully, however its only half finished but thought i would share it in development for bugs and suggestions.
R.E. 2.) Note taken, will change.
Oh and babylon is proving to be more and more hard because it opens a new window, however im sure i will manage it eventually. Also, it will be the 'try me' translation service which babylon offer, not a paid service!