ka0z, first, don't worry about saying you don't like me, as long as your posts are not just full of insults, I won't remove them
. From your posts on MSN Fanatic I really think you don't have me on your heart and that you're right, this thread is not about this anyway.
What you're saying is what I could call "blindly helping" without considering the consequences. As I say, if I open too much access to plugins, it will automatically leave to very bad ones. I care about all my users, not only the ones who are careful about what they download. As you don't seem to like Microsoft very much, you'll probably understand my point better if you consider VBScript... Microsoft originally added scripting capabilities to almost all their products. It was a great idea to allow developers to do complex things in web pages, allow special operations in emails etc... at that time, they didn't consider all the risks involved (which can be partially explained by the fact that internet was still kinda new for everyone) and they paid for their mistake... for years people complained that using Internet Explorer or Outlook Express could expose you to tons of bad stuff.
Messenger Plus! is in the exact same position.. instant messaging is under big expension, everyone wants to get a share of the market and almost nobody uses internet without a Messenger program anymore. Now imagine if I did what I originally planned for Messenger Plus! 2, which is to make it entirely scriptable. Peopel would have installed it, then would have installed some additional modules and would have got a lot of viruses on their computer thanks to me.
Security concerns are almost always against extra features and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just being cautious, be sure that I've been thinking about this for almost a year already, and I still do, but I still didn't find something else to do that the current plugin architecture of Plus!.. sure it's limited but it's safe.
I hope this will help you understand my position. Plus! is not a stupid little addon anymore. It's a program that is used by millions of people and I because of that, I have some responsabilities. I just can't do whatever I want anymore