I may very well be missing the point, but isnt the key fact here that any plugin, to be usable by messenger plus! hs to export certain functions (and if it shares the same properties as VB, have a registry key defined to help messenger plus! find the exports)
I am aware of the existance of at least one c# plugin api loading around the net, so it you want to use c#, google it, im sure ull find it. VB and c/c++ we already have plugins for
There are several Delphi coders on the forums, and there is at least one plugin framework on this board, and short of that it should be possible to make a plugin in practically any other suitable language.
If a language can make dlls and thereby export the proper functions to messenger plus!, theres no reason u cant make a Plus! plugin in it.
But as i said, im probably missing the point of this discussion as i code in c/c++