I will include your emoticons, don't know about the installer yet. I don't like the way current installers work; SendKeys/SendMessage. I've already figured out how Messenger stores the emoticons, but after changing it it might need a restart or another way to trigger a refresh... that's not clear to me at this point, I will however at least include them and instructions/examples on how to use 'em...
Yes, WMPlus will figure it all out and call the Display Picture generator. Speaking of which, I made quite some progress yesterday. The new core is much more flexible and completely player independant. For some quick testing I reimplemented the Winamp player, which works 100% (including tags like (!xwaartist)). As updated in the Delphi framework I posted on this forum, all output can now include tags like (!N) and (!IP) as well. Monitoring support for Winamp and Sonique players has been added, basically it's just a thread which polls the player every 5 seconds to see if something has changed... which works quite well... WMP will be instant, since I can monitor it from inside the WMP plugin...
Then, the display picture. I can say it's awesome, the tests with Winamp turned out excellent. But (yeah, there's a but
), whenever the DP changes it adds it to the list, so you can imagine how it'll grow after a day of listening music. Nobody seems to have the cure, except one guy simply cleared the whole list every time (blegh), so I'll need to run some tests on the decrypted files (thanks MS! really like my display pictures to be encrypted so we have a hard time accessing them! I mean, my picture might contain my password or something, yeah! can you smell the sarcasm?)... I think I'll be able to pull this off, just need to check how well it'd work...
I'm not sure whether or not I'll release a beta, since it wouldn't include a configuration dialog and support for /xmpcommand and the likes has been dropped (figured they wouldn't be needed anyways with a configuration dialog and the (!xmpartist) tags, unless someone really really wants those commands available