The IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error message comes 90% of the time from a bad driver installed. A "normal" software can't cause this kind of system error. I suggest you to reinstall all the drivers of your hardware.
i think it might be bad for me deleting icon becus blue screen happens when i use printer and recycle bin now and sometimes browser crashs ielegal operation
i writed code and paper
says lot of 00000 i dunot write down it
Adres 8042F259
bas at 80400000, dat stamp 3DF90C0D ntoskrnl.exe
Beginning dump of physical memory...
quote:Originally posted by Mnjul
It's rather imposslbe, chungster, if I am not wrong, changing bootscreen seems to be seen only for windows XP (anyway it's resource hacking)
well thats the thing i was saying since you cant install boot screens putting the file in there made it invalid and since it wasnt the case it wont do him any good o well