Originally posted by MenthiX
However translators deleting other translators and new translators adding themselves (or being added by existing translators isn't a good idea i think. But translators deleting their selves if they do not want to translate anymore is at least an option.
[*]Translators deleting theirselves:
[*]New translators adding theirselves:
Should ask first current translators and/or Patchou/MenthiX
[*]Patchou/MenthiX adding/deleting translators:
[*]Current translators adding new ones:
[*]Translators deleting other translators:
? Should be discussed first. I think
but not sure. Maybe only current (msg plus 2) translators should be able to do that (that would imply there should be at least 2 groups of translators: the current ones (who did plus 2.54 translations) who should be like "admins" (would be able to delelte translators) and the other group should be new translators who only would have "normal user" rights (wouldn't be able to delete translators).