I was looking @ the Plus! page on
download.com when I stumbled accross this
16-Mar-2004 01:55:56 PM
DO NOT INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE ON YOUR PC!! THERE ARE A BAD FILE WITH THE OWN MESSENGER PLUS SOFTWARE...AND ANYONE CAN PROOF, YOU JUST NEED A RESOUCE VIWER I RECOMMEND RESOUCE HACKER. THERE IS A FILE CALLED MsgPlusRes.dll. INSIDE HIM THERE ARE THE SOFTWARE RESOUCES. THERE ARE TYPED: "Every enemy I've met I've annihilated!" 201, "I once owned a dog that was smarter than you." 202, "This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur!" 203, "You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee." 204, "People fall at my feet when they see me coming." 205, "You make me want to puke." 206, "I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!" 207, "I've spoken with apes more polite than you." THOSE ARE ONLY FEW OF A FULL LIST OF THIS... NOW I THINK THAT PATCHOU GOT EVERYONE'S EMAIL TO SELL THEM TO SPAMS SENDERS OR SIMPLE GET YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER.... PATCHOU IM SORRY IF I AM WRONG BUT THATS THE TRUE, AND WHAT U CAN SAY ABOUT IT????
What an idiot. This is one of the
reviews on download.com
Seriously, why don't you spend 30 seconds, looking a LITTLE closer at the installer (I don't like the "Sponsor Program" either, but meh, Pathcou needs to get his money somewhere
He puts a lot of time into Plus!)
Also, there is an ad for a Spyware removal tool on the same page, LOL! Ironic, isn't it? If he's worried about Spyware........... And the phrases in his review? Part of the /insult easter egg