Originally posted by xSQL
Would be cool if someone with that knowledge could take the time :] I have no idea where to start
Let's see:
nickclipboard.zip <- Extract the DLL and copy it in your plugins folder and restart messenger
now you have 2 more commands:
/xnickclipboard and
/xnickclipboard2 . They are the same as
/nick and
/nick2 , except for the following rules:
%c will be replaced by the text in the clipboard
%% will be replaced by
Example of use: You have at the clipboard the text
bla bla bla and you use the command
/xnickclipboard oooh %% %c mmmm %c . You'll nick will be changed to
oooh % bla bla bla mmmm bla bla bla .
Note: I know that the command is quite long (xnickclipboard) but that's done on pourpose. You can create a quick text with it. If you want to type it yourself i'd suggest to type /nick (or /nick2) and then use Ctrl + V to insert the text at the clipboard. It' faster
Well, I hope you like it
btw: I've only tested the plugin win Win XP with plus 3, but it should work in any windows with plus 2.20 or newer. To uninstall the plugin, close messenger completly and delete the DLL.