Hello, I'm one of the translators of plus into spanish_spain.
Originally posted by xsaranator
First: sorry with my english
When you install msn plus! 3 and you have yo choose the language, they are a mistake in the translation: is the language Espaņol (Espana) and the correct words are Espaņol (Espaņa)
That's done on pourpose, because that way every one can read the language name and also we, translators, must do that (like KeyStorm said). You can see that, once you select the language, its name appears correctly un the preferences panel of plus, where it says: "Idioma actual: Espaņol (Espaņa)".
Well, I hope you enjoy our translation and feel free to continue reporting bugs in it
however, you should follow the "rules" KeyStorm said.
Kryptonate: Thanks for telling me about this thread.