First of all, Great job you did on Plus!3 but I've found something inside it what's quite annoying...
Two problems I've found in the Auto Accepting-thing
> First, is a small thing.. It doesn't always accept automatic, sometimes you get a message like "Cannot send reply" or "Cannot sent Invitation"..
I guess it also has something to do with duplicate filenames
> 2nd "problem" is slighly bigger..
If you have auto-accept turned on for a person EVERY request will be auto accepted... Filetransfers, Microphone conversations, Webcamming and even the Launch menu... I think it's kinda irritating... I won't give an example but you could think of uninvited webcamming or something like that..
Yes, you cóuld unplug your webcam, or microphone....or turn of the function but i guess that won't be handy.. It isn't turned on for no reason
I hope you can change some things that you can choose whát thing should be autoaccepted:
- LaunchMenu Items
- Webcam
- Audio Conversation
- File Transfer
Anything I forgot?
I hope you will all agree on this point, and I hope Patchou reads this..