ok im finished 2
u lot beta be happy for me
"Exit - SignOut Only"
"Quit - SignOut Only"
"Exit - Shutdown Messenger - Exit Message"
"Quit - Shutdown Messenger - No Exit Message "
"Quit - SignOut Only - Pop Up"
"Exit - SignOut Only - Pop Up"
better explain the shut down 2

the exit one displays the message, are you sure you want to exit messenger, which is the message you get when u try to exit with open convasations
and the quit one well, just shuts down messenger, very fast as well

, no message, no nothing, just dissapears
everyone keeps asking me why i keep going on/off line (noobs) and i dont wana be a geek so i say, oh i think someones hacking me
btw im fucking knacked from gig last night, got maths coursework, wana finish my sites upgrade.... and im going away for the week tommorrow on a adverture week