Originally posted by illuzn
Make a console so we can produce the results of (!VER) and (!PVER) without annoying our contacts, or make a /ver and /pver command that pops it up in a new window
yes, KeyStorm is right, however until that gets implemented (if it is), you can do this: Right click the icon of messenger in the systray (next to the clock) and select "Send an instant message". Click the "Others" tab and write an address like this_address_don't_exist@bla.com. In the conversation that opens you can write (!VER) and (!PVER) and send the texts
Originally posted by illuzn
Allow the new msgplus button menu to have user customised commands... i don't know about you but my message windows are usually in compact mode ie. without the menu, thus if i want to send an often used command i have to try to remember it or i have to open the menu up (i am slack )
I don't know how hard these things are to implement but I know that the second one is at least possible because you can add commands to the menu using quick texts. The only problem i've discovered with this method is that some commands don't function as they should eg. /xcedpstealer won't show any ce/dps however if you manually type it, it will.
what about if you create a quick text with the text
and assign an alias like /cedpstealer ?
then from the plus icon you can select that quick text, and it should work.