I've tested the filter "****" > "test" in sent direction and work right, it doesn't put test twice.
Originally posted by reisyboy
However im not sure why but Plus! really doesnt like this...
maybe because the * is used to match any word that starts and/or ends with the other part of the filter.
I've noticed that the filter **** can filter an even number of * like in ****** or ******** and it puts test, but an odd number of * like in ***** or ******* gives test*
If i put the filter "*****" > "test" in sent direction (5 *) similar things happen, but it sometimes gives test* or even test**.
There should be a scape character for *
Versión de Windows: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Versión de Messenger: 6.2.0137
Versión de Messenger Plus!: 3.01.0094