AntiVirus Plugin |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
 Ya its me
I Hate Coding!
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quote: Originally posted by eXoenDo
Edit: Rofl, the image of the Plus! Muffin just loaded . Thats funny.
 Dane's dodgy dialup 
This post was edited on 06-26-2004 at 08:42 PM by matty.
06-26-2004 08:38 PM |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
TB is right, sorry, but this idea is just stupid, who needs an antivirus that checks the FILENAME if you got real-time protection + virusscanner in msn messenger...
1. There are better ways
2. Get some free time
06-27-2004 12:52 PM |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
TB is right, MSN Messenger already has an option to use a virusscanner.
- You will need to add a HUGE lists of ALL the filenames of virusses to let it be somewhat """"usefull"""" (mind the quotes)
- Filenames are the 1 thing that are changed regulary.
- You CAN NOT identify a virus by the filename.
- The plugin needs to be updated very regulary.
- You will create a false trust/security-feeling!!!!
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-27-2004 01:49 PM |
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O.P. RE: AntiVirus Plugin
Eh...Poll shows otherwise. But the Alerts clearly state that it is only POTENTIALLY a virus. Furthermore, Most people dont rename viruses to spread them, especially viruses that generate there own files. Plus, not many ppl know how/want to set up Instant Messenger protection.
06-28-2004 01:48 AM |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
tbh, the poll doesn't say a thing. Remember that many people don't know how these things realy work and even don't know that there is a feature in MSN already to scan files. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but if people knew better they wouldn't vote for it...
quote: Originally posted by eXoenDo
Plus, not many ppl know how/want to set up Instant Messenger protection.
And that is EXACTLY why people believe this will be a good plugin, while in fact it will give only a false feeling of protection!!! quote: Originally posted by eXoenDo
especially viruses that generate there own files.
and in doing so they change there name....
I'm sorry, but for every single argument you make for this I can give you two arguments back....
PS: and this has nothing todo with you being eXoenDo, I would have said the exact same to anyone else suggesting this....
This post was edited on 06-28-2004 at 03:39 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-28-2004 03:34 AM |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
How can anyone dont know or want to set up IM protection?
Install Norton 2003 or 2004, and it'll do it automagically...
06-28-2004 11:38 AM |
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O.P. RE: AntiVirus Plugin
Theres where your wrong, TheBlasphemer. Norton AntiVirus 2003 and 2004 give an even falser sense of protection. Read the fine print, "Instant Messenger Protection: Windows and MSN messenger 4.x, AOL Instant Messenger 5.x, Yahoo! 5.x". Users on MSN Messenger 6.x are not protected using the IM Scanner (although its pretty sad that Patchou can make Plus! work with 6.x and Symantec cant  ).
As for the "false sense of protection", I'm already working on a DAT file with EVERY KNOWN VIRUS FILENAME in it, where theres a question it'll be users choice, but yeah, the AntiVirus Plugin doesnt give a false sense of protection because the current viruses for MSN Messenger do not "mutate" or whatever they call it there file names, they remain the same unless a user renames them, but then when it spreads, it'll make it to like, 1 PC and then generate the old filename again because the core of the virus hasnt changed. So yeah  .
06-28-2004 02:45 PM |
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RE: AntiVirus Plugin
quote: Originally posted by eXoenDo
because the current viruses for MSN Messenger do not "mutate" or whatever they call it there file names, they remain the same unless a user renames them
There isn't such a thing as MSN Messenger virusses. Almost EVERY virus can be spread by MSN Messenger. And almost EVERY virus can attach itself to whatever (executable) file you send thru MSN... So you need a database of thousands virusses and all their different names, not to mention all the virusses that don't have a specific name....
Why is it so hard to understand that you CAN NOT identify a virus by filename alone?????
Whenever this plugin is going to be released (and I certainly hope NOT) I'll boycot it for sure and will strongly suggest to users NOT to use it, instead they need to learn how to use a proper virusscanner!!! sorry...
This post was edited on 06-28-2004 at 03:24 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-28-2004 03:20 PM |
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O.P. RE: AntiVirus Plugin
Thats your choice, your DEFINATLY overreacting about this, if you dont wanna use it, then dont, others can make there own decision. And I said specifically will stop MSN Messenger viruses, NOT all viruses. Made only for MSN Messenger borne viruses.  , so please, Let others decide if they want to use it for themselves, just like I let others decide if they wanna use MSN Skins which I dont like, I surely dont tell them NOT to use them.
06-28-2004 03:47 PM |
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RE: RE: AntiVirus Plugin
quote: Originally posted by eXoenDo
Theres where your wrong, TheBlasphemer. Norton AntiVirus 2003 and 2004 give an even falser sense of protection. Read the fine print, "Instant Messenger Protection: Windows and MSN messenger 4.x, AOL Instant Messenger 5.x, Yahoo! 5.x". Users on MSN Messenger 6.x are not protected using the IM Scanner (although its pretty sad that Patchou can make Plus! work with 6.x and Symantec cant ).
As for the "false sense of protection", I'm already working on a DAT file with EVERY KNOWN VIRUS FILENAME in it, where theres a question it'll be users choice, but yeah, the AntiVirus Plugin doesnt give a false sense of protection because the current viruses for MSN Messenger do not "mutate" or whatever they call it there file names, they remain the same unless a user renames them, but then when it spreads, it'll make it to like, 1 PC and then generate the old filename again because the core of the virus hasnt changed. So yeah .
Thats bullshit, it might say that, but it works fine with MSN6...
I went to check it, and under options and the tab messages I see it's set to scan incoming files with:
E:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\ccIMScan.exe
And I didnt do that manually btw
06-28-2004 03:59 PM |
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