Originally posted by Choli
the only controls that don't have it are the Accept/Cancel/Apply in the preferences. You can use Enter/Esc keys for them
Well, that's normal "Windows beheviour", but what about:
* The link "Click here for a list of additional preferences" in General Options>Misc - How do you select that? (and isn't it better "
with additional preferences"? dunno)
* The arrow buttons in Message Helpers>QuickTexts (can they have a tab-stop also?) <= important one I think!
* The icon in Privacy Protection>Boss Protection
* The link "Click here to download new plugins" in Plugins
* The link in the about window...
But I must say, that's all I could find. You can access everything else with the keyboard only....
Originally posted by Choli
I think it's due to make the look nicer, however I also like more (and think it's more intuitive) to have a drop-down list.)
I agree
Originally posted by Patchou
just use Alt+1-2-3.
I my case that would be ALT+
SHIFT+1-2-3 (and for anyone else with a keyboard where the numbers are accessed by pressing shift).
Numbers on keypad don't work in this case and the normal numbers on the alpha-section are only available when I have caps lock on..... very ackward to type
(suggestion: ctrl+left/right? and you could make ctrl+up/down to work with the main category also)
PS: I found a small ui-bug while playing with all this though... I'll report immediatly...