Hello everyone!
ok I have an important annoucement. Messenger Plus! 2.00 will wtill be released today but due to the enormous amount of traffic generated on my web site (I can't imagine how many you were hiting refresh liek crazy
) my web host just suspended my account. Add to that the fact that I'm going on vacation saturday and you'll see the results: it's going bad!!!
So, be sure I'm working like crazy to release this new version to you today. Links to the web site inside the software won't work but, hey, too bad.
The link to the beta version will be posted on this forum. Please, please please. As soon as it's here, redistribute it on as much mirrors as you can, put a link everywhere and try not to go on the forum too much to avoid it to explode
. I will remove my own link to the software pretty soon after the release so I'm counting on you!
Gotta to finish this beta!