Hey, This can be made with quicktexts, too bad that top delay time is 9 seconds and you can only pass one parameter per command(!P)...
Create a quicktext(s) for waiting (This will also be useful for other commands), because the top delay time for actions is 9 seconds you can only have 19*9=171 seconds (almost 3 min) per wait you create:
Alias : wait
#Waiting for (!P) enabled
#9#(!P) or
#9#/waitmore (!P) ...
2º)Then create the quicktext for pics:
/pic avatar2
(You can guess what /wait2 will have
3º) Open a chat window that you won't close or send commands, and put:
/wait /pix
Or when you change your status...
(I'd like a plugin like this, so we can use status dp like ones on mess.be)
To change your avatar with your status just put in the auto-away message the new created command.
That's it... Your guess is right I don't know how to program and doing all this it's a waist of time ... but it can be improve !