Damn, but I gotta agree with M_E...
There is no point posting a thread like this, believe it or not no one who this is any use to will actually read this thread...Probably everyone who hangs around here knows all this. And anyone who is slightly less able with computing in general probably won't have a reason to read this thread...
Originally posted by michael_m91
Lastly I'd like to say to everyone that Messeger Plus! by Patchou is NOT spyware but a sponcer program to keep Messenger Plus! running, you can choose wheater or not you wan't to install it.
Again, there are already threads about this loaded all over the forum, yours isn't going to be special...
It's nice that you would try and help people like this, but it's of no use to anyone, I ask anyone who finds this thread helpful to reply and say so...
And I mustn't be the only one who's thought this, wtf is up with those colours? Is there a point to them?