Originally posted by niqhsieh
A friend of mine told me that msgplus seems to have included a trojan backdoor program.. is this true? she was like " my friend is a computer service engineer who detects some trojan viruses within msgplus program"... but i have been using msgplus for almost one year... ???
Messenger Plus! contains an optional sponsor application that obviously you have a choice of installing. No there is no virus or backdoor trojan in the program. AVG does however detect the sponsor install as a trojan which it is not. Patchou has contacted AVG about it and they didn't seem to eager to fix it. So to clear up your question no Messenger Plus! does not have a backdoor trojan included. Please advise your friend that if he/she is running AVG that it will give off false reports.
By the way, Welcome to the forums
Since that was your first post I wont be as harsh, but this question has been asked and discussed multiple times. We do have a search feature on the board that will allow you to search and trust me you will find this question.
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