Originally posted by Sean
Omg, yes I do. I am online like 13 hours a day!
Then it's time to go to school and learn a bit
What lhunath means is not very accurate

. The problem is that sometimes there can be some corruptions when you download a page, most of the times they are minor and you don't notice anything, and other times they can cause stuctural errors or malformations.
Well, apart from this issue which happens to everyone, there is MSIE's JavaScript parser, which is the most picky and lazy parser I've ever seen in any language. Sometimes it asks for objects when they're not needed, that means that it doesn't compile the code right at all in some particular cases. If the page's JS works and MSIE says it's wrong it's most probably a failure in MSIE and not in the JS.
Another thing I personally don't understand is how can you browse
so much time and still use a so primitive and limp browser? It just makes browsing rather inefficient. There are a handful MSIE mods and other browsers that will make you life much easier.
Well, nevermind...