yes this feature would be for special contacts. in this case your special contacts are your online contacts. (Another good idea would be to filter the away, and brb and busy contacts so they do not appear on the desktop, and only the "online" ones appear). for the average msn messenger user who has 15 or less people online, this feature may be convient for them, so that when a contact goes online, they appear on the desktop, and when they go offline, they are removed off the desktop. this feature obviously could be disabled.
however i have a better idea for the above feature i described:
in the plus! preferences, there should be a way to make certain contacts off of your list "special" for example, you could have 2 lists of contacts, one on the left side, and the other on the right side. the left side contains a list of all of your contacts, and the right side is a list of your "special" contacts. click as many contacts from the left list that you want to make special, then click an "add" button that adds these contacts to the right list, and declares them as "special" contacts. Now to the point.... you could have only special contacts appear on the desktop when they sign online, and disappear off the desktop when they go offline, instead of simply having all your online contacts on the desktop at a time.
This feature can once again be used in conjunction with other features to make them easier to use!!!! For example, you know how you can set notifications for specific contacts, such as when this specific contact changes their status, etc... instead of changing this option for each contact, have it change for all of your "special" contacts at once, kinda like grouping. This could also be used for "sound events". have all of your "special" contacts have the same sign in sound/sign off sound/alert sound, which would be different from the rest. this feature could be used for many other current plus features that have to deal with specific contacts. instead it would deal with the entire "Special" group of contacts, such as custom away messages, and more.
So in conclusion, and i know i am a bit off topic, but selecting and having some of your contacts labeled "special"(or another term) can make many features easier, expand the plus features and its limits, and give some of your contacts "special" or priveledged rights. this feature may be significantly hard to impliment, but it can go a long ways, and i have just begun. patchou, or many other avid fourm writers could expand on this feature, and make it a huge success of a major new version of plus. I hope my idea was helpful, and maybe if not used, it could spring another similar idea! thanks for your time reading, below is a SAMPLE preferences window for "special contacts", for what i was trying to explain above. this might give some people a better idea of what i mean. this window would simiarily resemble the "Filtered contacts" window in msgplus used for filtering contacts that the auto accept feature works for. it can be found under Plus>Preferences>Instant Messages>General Options>[Filter Contacts] (button).
Wow, thats a lot of writing! I hope some of these suggestions are considered, and/or spring apon new ideas!
- Jordan