1) wrong forum
2) more details please....
* complete versionumber of Messenger, Plus!, Windows, ...
* what IS the trouble? errors? slowness? etc...
We can only guess when you provide so little info.
But my guessed solution would be to delete your cache info for that account.
So, to do this go to your msn messenger cache folder:
- Close Messenger completely (right-click on its tray icon and select "exit")
- Click on your Windows Start-button.
- Select Run and in the box you type: %appdata%\Microsoft\MSN Messenger
- Now navigate to directory with the ID number of that "irishking"-account.
(to find out what number it is, use Choli's ID calculator, but my guess, again "guess" is that it is 2951805219)
- In that directory you'll find a file called ListCache.dat. Only delete that file (by only deleting that you'll keep your CE's, DP's and backgrounds)...
- Restart MSN Messenger and try to sign in with that "irishkin"-account.
If this failed then repeat everything, but this time try to delete the complete "ID number"-directory.
PS: you could also have searched the forums, this kind of question is asked all the time...