Lately I noticed my event log being completely empty. Not even signing in was logged. It seems to only start logging from the moment you open the Event Log Window. I don't let my events save to file, so I don't know whether the log was cleared along the way or was never started before opening the window.
I noticed this twice the past few days. On two different systems, both running Windows XP SP1. One is the Home edition and the other the Pro. Both are running MSN Messenger 6.2.0137. And it happened under Messenger Plus! version 3.21.104, which of course hasn't been on my system for long yet.
I have never noticed it before with other versions. Though while searching for this problem, I came across a one-message thread ( ), which was posted months ago, so clearly not under the same version.
I'm going to update to 3.25 now and the change log mentions bug fixes, only not which ones. So maybe it's fixed. Maybe not. But I wanted to report it anyway.