Thank you Patchou
, I'm testing at the moment.
[edit] Aww, found a problem already..
It's a problem with the personolised status.
Normally my own custom name in my contact list is "Me"
and when i put on one of my personalised statuses, for example my "I'll Be Right Back" status, my name should normally appear as "Me (I'll Be Right Back)"
but it doesn't, this is what happens:
Personalised status off:
Personalised status on:
After switching it off it flashes this for a milisecond:
And then goes back to this:
[edit3] Wait.. I just resized my contact list (made it wider) and now I do see my personalised statuses properly.. so the problem was that my contact list was too thin. Hmm.. I still think it's sort of a bug though..
My versions:
Windows Version: Windows ME, 4.90.3000
Messenger Client Version: 7.0.0332
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.40.0108
Stuff Plug NG Version: 0.7.150
[edit2] P.s. Custom Names never crashed my Messenger 7.0 even before the beta update
, I just thought you'd like to know.
[edit4] I have a rather slow computer (getting a new one tomorrow) and I noticed how my Messenger slowed my computer down seriously, I always thought it was Messenger itself, but you said before that you fixed the memory leaks and slowness problems, so it must have been Plus!. Anyway, I've noticed that the slowness problems are radically gone for me now after the beta update, so thank you
, whatever you did to fix the problem worked for me.