Originally posted by Vantage
The Xbox 2 should show up around somewhere January 2006
Spring 2006 actually, at earliest...
Originally posted by Matty
My problem with the AI is that they will get stuck trying to run through a wall and you just walk up behind them, plant a plasma gernade and run like hell.
I had that happen a couple times, but for the most part is good (I like what happens when you stare at your team mates for a while, or gives them a weapon with almost no ammo

"That's not fair!"

Anyways, I beat the game now and I have to say, the ending is gay. It climaxes and you think there's 1 or 2 levels after that, but there isn't....it's over

But did you watch until after there credits? There's like a 15 seccond clip of that odd creature telling Cortana she's going to answer his questions now...