Originally posted by Caboose
That's a good start, but it won't stop the folder from being completely hidden. If you don't mind spending a bit of money, I suggest Hide Folders XP (for Windows XP) or Hide Folders (for Windows 95/98/ME)
[EDIT]: Yeah, you can also lock Messenger... I never thought of that
try again... you know this??
Obvius, this is a example (but it running...)
drwx-wx-wx 2 user1 general 4096 nov 17 17:03 user1
drwx-wx-wx 2 user2 general 4096 nov 19 19:28 user2
extract of /etc/samba/smb.conf
comment = msn register logs
path = /home/msnlogs
browseable = no
read only = no
guest ok = yes
hide dot files = yes
follow symlinks = no
Obvius "browseable = no" is the equivalent to share one folder with the $ simbol (hide this share but it is open with relative path)
This shared it not visible, but it is read/write and it is open if know the relative path (START --> Ejecting --> \\PC\hideshare for example).
The user know the option "hide files with attribute of system/hiden). The register log not is saved in the same PC (it saved in one folder hidden in another PC, but the result is the same, Plus! -->Open register log, and open the folder
Another idea????