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How come no block checkers work for me?
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O.P. How come no block checkers work for me?
How come no block checkers work for me?  Every time i use a block checker on msn it doesnt work and shows something like the page cannot be displayed.  That is on EVERY block checker i have tried.  I have tried about 15 getting on 20.  What is the problem?  I am using msn messenger 7.  It didnt even work on msn 6.
  Please help me!
12-17-2004 06:49 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
Because Block checkers DO NOT work
12-17-2004 06:52 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?

Unfortunately, because of something to do with msn, BlockCheckers no longer work, it is also because of incompatibility, if you search google for block checkers, there are some good ones that are online only, and they genereally work, but sometimes may be inaccurate.
12-17-2004 06:52 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
Block Checkers don't work. It's as simple as that. If you think someone's blocked you and you want to know if they have you should email them or something and ask, otherwise you're out of luck :P

I believe it's back in MSN 5 when they fixed the exploiit ...

Edit: Dodgy ppl beating me to the punch :dodgy:

This post was edited on 12-17-2004 at 06:54 PM by .blade//.
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12-17-2004 06:52 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
He didnt say that the contact shows as offline.
He said that he is getting a "The page cannot be displayed" error.
So it has to do with his ISP or with the server where the blockchecker is hosted.
Oh and btw...
Block checkers DO work!
If the guy you are trying to check if he has blocked you, doesnt have "All Others" in his block list.
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12-17-2004 07:13 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
Most block checker sites have taken the block checker offline to stop pointless use of bandwidth
12-17-2004 07:16 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
My way of block checking worked great for me but it doesn't for for some people...
12-17-2004 07:24 PM
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RE: How come no block checkers work for me?
The reason block checkers used to work was because of a fluke in the MSN Messenger protocol and their software.

In the options page you can "Block" All other Users that are not on your list from sending you messages and seeing your status. Now this feature was improperly coded by Microsoft allowing other people to see your real status. Now with MSNP9 (MSN Messenger Protocol 9) they have fixed this feature so if you choose to block other people from seeing your real status and sending you messages then they will appear offline to you.

If you find a block checker that works then it is because the user doesn't care if people that are not on their list send them messages or see their status.

12-17-2004 07:24 PM
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