Well the plugin has worked for me (0.80).. but after a while it kept crashing or didn't change my nickname @ all
with 0.81b its the same.... as soon as it tries to change my nick it crashes
Messenger: 7.0.0425
Messenger Plus!: 3.40.0112
Windows 2000: 2195
Winamp: 5.07
i love this plugin.. but i had to disable it.... couldn't even start messenger...
hope you can find a fix or something
big edit:
Seems that i got it to work somehow...
this time i didn't use any - or : (normaly i use Da Dude - Now Playing: %1 %2) and i deactivated stuffplug
but i notice that are lots spaces between the command (%1 & %2 etc..)
where the mask says: Da Dude Now playing %1%2
i get: Da Dude Now Playing Korn y'all want a single
Lets hope it keeps working
edit: Nope ain't the - or:
edit2: Nope ain't stuff plug...