I made a StuffPlug NG talker.
It makes the first letter of your message capital.
Here's the code:
Private Function talker(ByVal strinput As String) As String
talker = UCase$(Left$(strinput, 1)) & Mid$(strinput, 2)
End Function
When I try to set it as an autotalker StuffPlug NG says : "Not a valid talker. Do you want to turn off the autotalker?"
However, when I use /xtalk <name of talker> it works.
Does anyone have any ideas why this happens?
By the way I also tried coding the talker like this:
Function talker(input)
talker = UCase(Left(strinput, 1)) & Mid(strinput, 2)
End Function
and its the same thing happens...
Other information:
Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger Client Version: 7.0.0425
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.40.0112
I named the talker "talker.ucase.vbs" (no quotes) and I put the talker on "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\StuffPlug-NG" (I also put it in the Plugins folder)
Thank you!