It is completely possible to fake a mime type when uploading a file, so I strongly recommend also checking the extension, especially if you're going to store the file on your web server in a publically-accessable location with its original filename.
I assume that browsers get their mime types from the registry. For example, if you browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.jpg, you will see a value called "Content Type" set to "image/jpeg." If a certain type of file is not in the registry, a generic type like "application/octet-stream" or "text/plain" will be used.
Another possibility is that the browser reads the first few bytes of the file, looking for common headers, such as "GIF89a" for a gif image. I think I'll research this further...
Originally posted by megamuff
in order to upload the .php file as an image as you are describing, a setting in apache would need to be changed in the mime.types file.
Uhh, you're obviously not on the same page.