Originally posted by Saint
whats the difference between hertz? i get a choce of 85 75 and 60 but what does it do?
Hertz indicates your refresh rate. 85Hz for example, refreshes your screen 85 times
per second. So, yeah, logically, the higher the better (Response times get better too, and it will be more pleasent to your eyes which have a "refresh rate" of roughly 50~60Hz if I'm not mistaken).
Setting your screen to something it doesnt support (Too high, for example) will pretty much blow it up if you leave it running for too long.
TB, does it use analog or digital input?
Digital is WAY faster.. But only a small set of GFX cards support it (Analog is slower because GFX cards convert from digital to analog, then your monitor does the opposite, which is pretty much waste of time!)